![forehead cancer from lace front wigs forehead cancer from lace front wigs](http://ronemycolumbuspower.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/lace-front-wig-cancer1.jpg?w=243&h=366)
Lace Front Wigs: Researchers Say they Cause Forehead Cancer in Black Women
We always knew that those kind of wigs would cause some type of serious issues for black women in the long run. Now, researchers are saying just what we feared. Let's find out from the report below all the details.
We found a site named CreamBMP.com and they have information about what researchers have found about this kind of cancer from lace front wigs:
Saturday, March 29th marked the day that researchers came to the conclusion that Lace Front Wigs are the leading cause of forehead cancer in African American women. After years of studies Cancer has shown to be more prevalent in women who wear tightly laced wigs (Lace Fronts), because of the abnormal cells that are able to form under the moist heat that is usually a result of over-wearing the head ornaments.We always felt that any tight wearing wig would be dangerous but we don't conclude it would cause cancer.
Lace Front wigs have long been a staple in the African American community; especially among inner city youth and with the recent acceptance in the past few years by entertainers & celebrities alike. “The amount of wig wearing youngsters has increased 3 fold” said Cancer Center of America representative Ronald DePinho.It is true that black women and especially young women are wearing these wigs wanting to mimic celebrities and ideals from reality shows too.
When asked what can people do to help with the cause and hopefully prevent forehead cancer in a friend or family member? Dr. Renald Depondo responded: Snatch a wig, save a life would be the campaign.We are praying that the above photo scares black women from continuing to wear these wigs. We want black women, young and old that this could happen to any of us if we don't take heed. We are hoping that many more women start taking on the natural hair concept that is literally being embraced by loads of black women all over the world.
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